The concrete goals we want to achieve in the project and the ‘results you want to achieve’
Basic skills in Technology and Engineering STEM education focuses on universal literacy skills and these skills are creative /critical thinking,problem solving and working in collaborative groups.It is aimed to guide students rather than giving theoretical knowledge, help them enhance higher-order thinking skills and improve innovation skills.To reach that goals, in each partner schools, competitions related to unobstructed buildings ,products from recycled materials, renewable energy and robotics design will be arranged among partners and both the solutions produced by students and development in design will be analysed.The participants will organize an exhibition at their schools so that they can diplay the products that they have created throughout the project
1) Improving ICT skills of students and teachers,Within the scope of project which will last for 18 months, the large majority of activities will be created thruogh ICT technologies, students and teachers participating in the project will publish them on Twinspace,website and facebook page. Besides, Students and teachers will also get training for Coding and Ardunio so they will improve their ICT skills with workshops.
2) Developing speech and language skills of participants,Students and teachers taking place in the project will communicate with their partners on different platforms such as Twinspace, Facebook etc, use English language while preparing their presentations and activies so they will get a chance of improving their language skills.
3) Being aware of cultural differences and similarities We will increase the awareness with shared activities. For that purpose, we will organize various events such as ”International day of women and girls in Science” , ”Safer Internet Day”, ”Digital Learning Day”in February, ”Engineering Wonders”in March, ”STEM Discovery Week”in April, ”ETwinning Day”in May and arrange interactive competitons among project partners.We will encourage the students to use Information Technologies effectively and efficiently.We will built a European community open to development with innovative and productive students.Staying with host families during visits to other countries will help participants learn about different cultures.